With an intricate understanding of matresence, patrescence and infants, we bring a different approach to perinatal mental health, baby feeding and sleep support.


Too often mothers and their babies are treated like a problem to be fixed. Rather than treating difficulties in isolation, we take a more comprehensive approach recognising that many factors including parental mood, baby feeding, sleep (or lack thereof), sensory needs and health all interact together to influence wellbeing and how connected parents feel towards their baby.


Perinatal Psychology

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Psychologists

Our Clinical and Registered Psychologists offer therapy throughout the perinatal period. Support is offered in a multitude of ways, whether that be to gain insight and awareness into current difficulties or holding a space for you to explore strategies and next steps towards feeling yourself again. We want to meet you where you are at and assist you in reflection to feel more connected to your baby, yourself and your loved ones.

Individual sessions with our Senior Clinical Psychologist is $300 per session (up to 1.5 hours). Individual sessions with our Registered Psychologists are $250 per session (1 hour in length).

Initial appointments are booked as a long appointment of 1.5 hours. These initial appointments are $350 for a Clinical Psychologist and $300 for Registered Psychologists. Long appointments can also be booked as a preference.

Medicare rebates can be accessed for each of these services. Please check our FAQ page for more information.


Lactation Consultation

Little Matters is a feeding safe place. We understand there are a lot of pressures around feeding, no matter what form that is for you and your baby. We provide lactation support and consults for a wide range of issues from the first weeks, weight loss, going back to work or trying to wean. Sessions are led by RN/Midwife and IBCLC Lactation consultant.

Initial Lactation Consult - 1 hour

Ideal for most common breastfeeding issues such as pain, mastitis, supply concerns, oral ties etc. These sessions are $220.

  • Thorough and holistic assessment of your medical history

  • Knowledge of how your health history may affect lactation

  • Observation and assessment of a breastfeed

  • Modification of technique to optimise breastfeeding

  • Oral examination of baby

  • Personalised plan, comprehensive summary and relevant resources within 24 hours of appointment

  • Compassionate individualised education and support

Follow-Up Lactation Consult - 30 mins.

Follow up consultation to troubleshoot new or previous breastfeeding problems. These sessions are $125.

  • Observation of a breastfeed and modification of technique as required

  • New personalised plan, comprehensive summary and relevant resources within 24 hours of appointment

  • Compassionate individualised education and support

  • Only available to clients who have had an initial consultation <2 weeks prior

Breast Pump Consultation - 1 Hour

De-mystify breast pumps! For assistance with:

  • What pump will suit your needs best

  • Sizing review

  • Pump settings to maximise milk flow

  • Environmental factors that can influence expressing

  • When to express depending on your needs

This information is also included if you book a Return to Employment consultation. Session fee is $220.

Return to Employment Consultation - 1 Hour

Remove the stress from your return to paid employment. Learn how to maintain your breastfeeding relationship, maintain your milk supply, utilise your breast pump and become aware of your legal rights. This bespoke package is $220.


Birth Debrief - A Review with Psychological and Technical Support

An opportunity to talk about your birthing experience with support. Birth debriefing can be way to understand, process and feel more connected to your experience.

Midwifery debriefing

Provided in a safe and supportive environment, debrief your birth experience with our resident Midwife Alex. Her expertise in the birthing space and knowledge of the medical world can help you understand why certain events or situations happened in the manner they did. If planning for another pregnancy, she is able to help map out a plan to empower your next birth.

Psychological/emotional debriefing

Further exploration of the emotions and feelings connected to your birth experience conducted over a number of sessions.

Each session is $250 for a 1 hour consult with Medicare rebates available.


Prenatal and Postnatal Education Sessions

See our list of packages here


Midwifery Led Birth Preparation and Planning

Empowered Birth Planning - 1 hour & 30 minutes

In a non judgmental space, learn about birthing options and how you and your birth team can advocate for yourselves. These sessions are $300.

During this session you will learn

  • Some positions to help open your pelvis for birth

  • Tools to use in labour

  • Equipment that may be available to use in labour

  • What can impact or stall your labour

  • The different modes of birth

  • Ways to advocate for yourself ( or others on your behalf)

Your birth team are welcome to join this session – Student Midwives are also welcome!

Biomechanics for Birth - 1 Hour

Learn positions to help ease tension in your pelvis that can affect you baby rotate during labour. These sessions can help give you positions and movements to relieve back and hip pain associated with your baby’s position. Session cost of $250.

Wear some comfortable clothing where you will be moving- think tights or active wear. Note: Please make sure when booking to mention if you have pre-eclampsia or a complication with where your placenta is located.

These sessions are not recommended if you have had bleeding during your pregnancy or have been recommended not to have a vaginal birth by an obstetrician.